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Writer's pictureSpanser John

How to Create a Brand Design that Reflects Your Values

Design is more than just how something looks on paper or on a computer screen. It's a reflection of your values and who you are as a business. When creating your brand design, it's important to think about the messages you want to send and how you want customers to perceive your company. By aligning your branding with your core values, you can create an authentic representation of yourself that resonates with customers.

When you're starting a new business, it's important to put thought into your branding. Your brand is what will set you apart from the competition, and it should reflect your values as a company. There are many different ways to create a brand design that reflects your values, and in this blog post we'll explore a few of them. So whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for a while and want to refresh your branding, keep reading!

The top brand design services have changed in contemporary times. Where companies used to brand their products through embroidered logos, modern brand designs are more novel and creative, engaging audiences through social media online.

Brand designs can be created in many different formats including logos, images, text, patterns etc. A brand design reflects the values of a company because it acts as an identity for them which represents their brand personality traits. The brand personality is basically the image that is presented through the company's brand design among other non-verbal communication methods. For instance, when Nike users wear branded clothing or footwear they exude power and confidence; this speaks volumes about the brand personality that has been portrayed by this brand design service over time (Nike). Conversely, if someone wears a brand design that signifies knowledge it depicts an entirely different brand personality.

For this reason, brand designs must depict the values of the company they are representing in order to be effective. Building brand value is not about creating brand designs that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye; it is about building trust with customers through brand designs which simultaneously convey information about your company, its purpose and its nature.

There are numerous aspects to consider when creating brand designs for businesses. It is always best to keep it simple because complex imagery can become distracting from what you are trying to communicate within your brand design services. Additionally, colour schemes should be chosen carefully because too much colour may distract your consumer audience and repel them rather than attract them towards engaging with your brand. Brand designs should also always be paired with a brand slogan in order to introduce a tagline that will engrave the brand into your consumer audience's mind.

In order to create brand designs that convey brand values, one must first understand the brand identity of the company they are representing. They must acknowledge their brand's purpose and determine whether or not they will play on that purpose to help them gain a competitive advantage over other brands with similar products etc. For instance, if Nike decided to use its brand design services as a platform to express the company's belief in equality for all people, they could include many images which depict this brand value within their brand design services such as people from different genders, races and sexual orientations working together towards a common goal. Once this foundation has been established it is possible to branch out from there with brand designs depicting your brand personality traits. Keep in mind that these should all work in cohesion with brand slogan, tagline and brand values to form a strong brand image within your brand design services.

The brand design should be something that consumers can easily identify as belonging to the brand it represents without second guessing what brand it is meant to be associated with. Just like much of non-verbal communication, brand designs do not necessarily need words to express information; they just require the correct combination of colours, patterns and images which serve as signifiers for a brand rather than their literal meaning. For example, McDonald's logo is very much an iconic brand design but how many people actually know what those golden arches mean? That's right! They symbolize two stylized 'M' letters for McDonald's! Therefore, when designing brand designs, brand identity must always come first.

As mentioned before it is very important to use an excellent brand development firm that reflect brand values in order to create brand designs that attract your target market and appeal to their emotions. This will help you garner more brand recognition and will bring your brand closer towards consumer brand loyalty. After all, the more straightforward the brand design service, the easier it is for customers to remember it, even if they aren't aware of what makes it so memorable.


Creating a brand design that reflects your values can be a fun and rewarding process, but it’s not always easy. If you need help getting started or want someone to take care of the entire process for you, our team at Sprak Design is more than happy to assist. We've spent years perfecting amazing brand designs that correctly reflect our clients' distinct values and personalities. Contact us today to get started!

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